Sunday, July 17, 2011

ISO 3 Metal Drawing Oil

Superior load carrying characteristics reduce metal pick up and scoring
Suitable for use with carbide tooling
Product Information
FUKKOL ISO 3 is a high performance extreme pressure cold metal forming lubricant formulated for a wide range of pressworking operations , from medium gauge drawing and forming to light gauge blanking and piercing of ferrous metals.
FUKKOL ISO 3 contains extreme pressure additives to prevent metal pick up between the work piece and tool and provide a cost effective route to increased production rates..
Product Application
FUKKOL ISO 3 may be applied by brush , drip , airspray , or airless spray systems. It should be diluted with mineral oil by adding the to the concentrate , whilst stirring continuously . Where absolute freedom from surface discolouration is essential , it is recommended that compatibility trials are performed.
Superior load carrying characteristics reduce metal pick up and scoring
Suitable for use with carbide tooling
Can be used neat
Suitable for use in re-circulating systems

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