Tuesday, October 11, 2011

FUKKOL Semi-synthetic soluble metal working fluid FL-888

FUKKOL Semi-synthetic soluble metal working fluid FL-888
Superior surface finish
Prolonged sump life
FUKKOL Semi-synthetic solublemetal working fluid FL-888
Fukkol FL-888 is bistable, semi-synthetic cutting concentrate specially formulated with high levels of lubricity for use with aluminium and its alloys in the most arduous modem machining operations, using a wide range of diluent waters. Combines the advantages of the new bistable technology, and its inherent resistance to bacteria, with the traditional values of an oil-based, high lubricity cutting fluid.

-Maximum machining efficiency.
-Superior surface finish to other oils.
-Non-staining to aluminium.
-Prolonged sump life versus soluble oils.

*Specially formulated for use with aluminium and its alloys in modem machining applications .
*Particularly suitable for operations such as tapping small diameter holes in the softer alloys.
*Recommended for use when conventional fluids have proved to be incapable of proved to be incapable of providing the required machining performance, tool life or surface finish.
*Heavy-duty machining of softer materials such as aluminium and its alloys.
*Particularly suitable for softer, lower silicon alloys of aluminium.
*General machining of copper and its alloys, including high strength copper alloys.

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